Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Travel Day

I had set my alarm for 5:00am - lots of time to get up, complete my final packing and get an early start...yeah, right. That was the plan, anyway.

What really happened was that when I woke up and looked outside at 5am, I realized that it was pitch black outside and there really wasn't much point in getting up quite so early since I couldn't see to I gave myself permission to sleep in for a half an hour. What a difference 30 minutes makes!!

I went outside and what a gorgeous morning! I felt truly blessed - it could have been cold or damp, but it was a perfect day to start a journey!!

I got the girls packed up and the rest of my stuff in the truck, checked the tire pressure in the trailer one last time and off we went!!

The eight hour trip went pretty quickly, thank goodness! One can only hope that the way home goes just as fast! Breakfast at Timmy's, a couple of pee breaks along the way and then lunch at Wendy's (their new garlic honey boneless chicken is yummy!) and then we were at Dog Tale Ranch.

The girls and I were greeted by Arlette Steib and her husband Allen...park anywhere you want, is what she said, and so that's what we did! After parking and unhooking the trailer, Porsche and Vala came out for a good pee and then it was x-pen play until the trailer was set up.

Our day starts early tomorrow - breakfast at 7am, intros at 8am and then we get right into the nitty gritty. I'll admit to being a bit overwhelmed and feeling a little lost. What if my dogs are complete nut jobs? Or worse, what if they get it but I'm completely useless?? Oh well, no use worrying about something that hasn't happened yet! Besides which, I'm sure, as always, my girls will rise to the occasion and be real stars!

They are, after all....boxers! :)

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