Friday, August 14, 2009

Lesson #3 - No Go...

I forgot that Lyn's on holidays for the next couple of weeks, so Porsche and Vala won't get a chance to play with the woolies until herding camp August 27-30th. I'm not sure what we're going to do with ourselves for four days but we'll give it a whirl. In some ways I wish I'd waited before taking this sort of seminar until the girls had some more training on them...I hate being unprepared...

But, I guess that's why we go to courses and seminars, isn't it? - to learn as much as we can and use that knowledge to move forward. My plan is to soak up as much information as I can, even information that is out of the current scope of my handling and my dogs abilities. /grin We won't always be "newbies". LOL

I wish I had a video camera to take with me so I could video tape our learning sessons, but I guess my camera will have to do. Thank goodness for five frames per second!

Well, in the meantime, I'm going to keep working on stops and waits with the girls. If you repeat it often enough sometimes they surprise you. LOL

I hope to be able to blog during the camp but if not, I'll try and do daily blogs that I'll copy/paste into here later. I'm sure I'll have at least a few "I'm an idiot" stories to tell by the end of the weekend!

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